Dec 4, 2019 | choice, coaching, Emotions, fear, mental health, self esteem, support
I wanted to share some feedback from a coaching client. She was amazing in her self development journey. I worked with this lady with various challenges during the coaching sessions. Even when it got tough, she met her challenges face on. “Looking back now, I...
Oct 29, 2019 | anxiety, Depression, mental health, self esteem
Our self esteem – it’s our self perception, it’s what we think, feel and believe about ourselves. It has a massive impact when people have low self esteem – I speak from experience, it was an underlying issue with my own mental health issues....
Sep 16, 2019 | choice, coaching, Emotions, resilient, self esteem
When the need took me, I went travelling, I worked abroad or moved jobs. I had great friends, a vibrant social life and I loved working with children wherever I was in the world. My life has always been pretty good, I had enjoyable experiences, I considered myself to...
Aug 16, 2019 | choice, coaching, Motivation, self esteem
The things we tell ourselves, the correlation to our beliefs and the actions we take as a result – I call it your truth versus reality. Often the things we tell ourselves are founded in the beliefs we’ve learned across our lifetime. These are often...
Jun 30, 2019 | Depression, Emotions, mental health, self esteem
I’ve recently realised what kind of foundation I had developed prior to living with depression, it was a rocky one. I had low self esteem, I compared myself to others, I never felt as good as or good enough, I self punished and self judged, I criticised, I...